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Age of introspection is here

However, once they land at these big places, most of them forget those. The typical middle class mentality of getting rich quick takes them over after they see people of other ares and the locals. Boys do not attend college. Girls too are not left far behind. They become hip and modern and it shows in their attutude, way of talking, outlook and dresses. while it is common to see a girl wearing minis, smoking a cigarette and walking with her rich car owner boy friend's hands around her waist, it is also not uncommon to see her staying and spending the nights at the friend's place.

Homely body, hovering soul

What I want to write about is given the chance or opportunity would I leave my nest & and start a life away from the present own-home set up… or cling on…and, whatever might be the answer, why?

In the 25 years of journey that I have so far undertaken, I did get the chance to get away from the home barriers and live independently. Well almost … as, the financial string was attached.

Educational Scholarships

North South Foundation is a 12-year old non-profit organization (from Chicago, Illinois, USA) helping the top talented high school (or plus two) graduates who don't have the financial wherewithal to go to college. It has provided 1,400 scholarships in India over the last ten years. It also conducts spelling bee and vocabulary contests in 20 major cities across the US among the children of our community. Please visit for more details.

Aranbindo Rajkhowa's statement

27 July is the martyrs’ day of the liberation struggle of Assam. This day is a memorable day of the supreme sacrifice of the finest and bravest progeny of our motherland Assam. This land of ours have been stained with the blood of our freedom fighters readily sacrificing their lives to enemy attacks. The defiant common citizens of our nation also have suffered untold misery and even have given their lives supporting our freedom struggle.

Power Cut or Time Cut ?

For the last few month's ASEB (Assam State Electricity Board) has been resorting to erratic power supply for reasons known to everybody. But more effectively, this phenomenon is seen during the evening hours when college and school students need to utilize the evening hours in serious studying. Whatsoever, situation is worse that one could possibly think of. One can also hear babies crying under the sweltering environment without getting cool air and water. Not to mention about those executives, who still would like to carry on with their assignments at home with the help of their computers.