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1.Introduction/Making of an Imperial Forest Policy/Forest History in Assam/Pre-colonial Forestry in Assam/The Book: its story
2.Early Days: Mapping Forests And Bringing Order/Exploring the Jungles/Talking about Conservation/Protecting the Forest: Experiment with Nambor/Mapping the Forest: The Beginning/Beginning of Commerce: The Early Days/ Survey under the Forest Department: 1868-1879/Schlich and His Memorandum on the Forest of Assam/The Final Moment: Memorandum of Brandis.
3. Jungles to Reserves: a new landscape/Towards A Reserve Forest/Making a Reserve: Boundless Anxiety/Forests Beyond Reserves: 1874-1891/Un-classed State Forest: Withering Agrarian Frontier/Village Forest: Taking Care of The Local Needs/Forest Village: Negotiating With Labour Scarcity/Deforestation: Extension of Agrarian Frontier?/Social Forestry: Towards Afforestation.
4. Administering the Jungle:/Establishment of the Forest Department/Managing the Department/Getting Armed: Making of the Forest Acts of 1865-1891/On A Firm Paddle/Grazing Inside: A History of Contested Rights/Foresters: Working Hard/Forest Crime/Peasant and Forests: Defining Rights/Framing Protest: The Early Days/A History of Land Settlement: Ambiguous Forest Boundary/Landless Peasants and Forest Reserves: 1947-70s/Widening Horizon: The 20th century
The Journey Ahead.

5. Commercialising the Forest:/Making Estimates: Codification and Valuation Survey/Extraction and Markets/Roads and Tramways: a safer transport/Regulated Exploitation: the Working Plan/Revenue from Major Forest Produce/Minor Forest Produce/Planting Rubber/Sawmill: Making Tea boxes and Railway Sleepers/ Viable Forest Economy/
6. Managing the Forest: Towards Scientific Conservation/Protecting the Forest: Fire, Wild Animals and Insects/Treating the Forest: Silviculture/Plantations: Artificial and Natural Re-generation
Taungya: shifting cultivation and regeneration/Shifting cultivation: Forest or Agriculture?/Improving the Commercial Prospects.
7. A History of Wildlife:/Understanding the Wild: 19th century/The Agrarian Frontier; Colonial State: Battling the Wild/Varieties of Culture – Game, Sports and Hunting/Protecting the Wild: Game Reserve to National Park/Elephant: Hunting and Preservation/Saving the tiger: Project Tiger in Manas/The Conservationist: Snapshots from Jungle
Looking at the Birds/Looking Ahead: Wildlife in the post-independence period.

8. After Words


List of Tables

Table-1 Area of Reserved Forest 1877-88 (in square miles)
Table-2 Area of Reserved Forest 1892-1950 (in square miles)
Table-3 Percentage of Reserved Forest
Table-4 Work Done by the Forest Department 1874-79
Table-5 Strength of the Forest Establishment
Table-6 Import of Rubber into Assam (in maunds)
Table-7 Revenue Earned from rubber Trade (in rupees)
Table-8 Revenue Earnings of Assam Forest Department (in Rupees)
Table-9 Area of Plantations (acres)
Table-10 Number of Attack by Wild Animals
Table-11 Revenue from Elephant

List of Illustrations