The cost of the Tour price is Rs 750/per person for Indians & Rs 1400/ for NRI's per person.The cost Includes Vessel journey,Buffalo Cart ride at Mayong Village,Visit to Mayong Centrel Museum & Emporium established by TOURFED and Magic show.The Mayong Centrel Mueseum houses some of the rare Archeological Relics and Antiques.A Plaquin nearly 6oo years old has been donated to the mueseum by His Exclleny Ghono Kanta Singha ,the 90 year old King of Mayong.
After the visit of the Centrel Mueseum the tourist are taken to the Pabitora Wild Life Sanctuary for Elephant Safari to see the Famous One Horned Rhinos.The density of One Horned Rhinos is one of the highest in the Pabitora WLS in the World.There are 213 varities of Migratory birds at Pabitora WLS and other aquatic animals in the verge of extiction.
Before the commencement of the Elephant safari we serve Lunch at Pabitora, while the breakfast is served on Board the Cruise vessel.We have a Bar on Board and other form of entertainents.Soon after the elephant safari we return to the Loonmati Ghat of Mayong to board the vessel for downstreanm journey to Guwahati which is another sight to remember with the lights of the Guwahati City & North Guwahati glowing from both the sides of the Mighty river Brahmaputra at the dusk.
The deperature time of the cruise vessel is 7.00AM every Sunday and we return bak to Guwahati at 7.00PM.