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Security Forces Throttling ULFA supply lines?

The recent arrest of four porters, two on either side of the Indo-Bhutanese border, has raised speculation that despite no formal announcement of operations against camps of National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) and the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) based in the neighbouring country being made, supply lines to the insurgent camps are being gradually throttled by security forces.

Assam Cleans up School Education System

In a move that could have far-reaching effects on Assam’s school-education apparatus, the state government has decided to put in place a policy that could, in a single stroke, cleanse the system of most of the politics that plagues it at the moment. The new policy, the recently framed Assam Secondary Education Service Rules 2003, that is yet to be made public, would make merit the sole criterion for the appointment of that key-stone of public education, the teacher in government schools, an area that had over the years reduced to the politician’s personal fiefdom.


Starting the NATIONAL DRAMA & DANCE COMPETITION is a humble effort from our part to create an atmosphere where the children can get a platform to perform with their brothers and sisters from other parts of the the country. These theatre and dance activities
will imbibe a spirit of brotherhood, mutual goodwill and co-operation, spread the message of communal harmony and national integration. Mark Twain rightly observes that,”Theatre is an important invention of the 20th century”. Since it is highly educative and greatly helpful in the process of character building.


Dear sir,

The prestigious and historically renowned ASSAM MEDICAL COLLEGE which was number 7th in asia & first medical college in assam; is now facing a grave situation.The medical council of india is going to derecognised the MBBS about 850 stundents are in dire striats. The mci has sent 10 warning letters from 1997 to 2003 but state govt has not taken any action since then.

Agitation is going from 1st september to fulfill our demands.the demands are


Pepsi as safe as Bhutan’s mountain springs?

The issue of pesticide-contaminated Pepsi has gained a whole new angle in Sikkim with the company claiming through banners and print advertisements that their products in the state are brought in from Bhutan, where, according to the advertisements, the soft drink is produced with mountain spring water, hence completely removing the possibility of pesticide residue. However, the company's claims notwithstanding, sources here say that only the 300 ml “glass” bottles of Pepsi products available in Sikkim come from Bhutan. There rest, they say, are from Assam and West Bengal.

Celebrating 1st Anniversery of Community Information Centre, Dhubri District

CIC is Prime Ministar’s top Priority Project to north-eastern state and Sikkim which started from 17th August 2002. Under this project a well equipped computer centre with VSAT connectivity to Internet, is set up in all Dev. Blocks. This Project is Implemented by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), Govt .of India with the help of NIC (National Informatics Centre) and State Government’s Industries and Commerce Department.

Non-Anonymous AANA/ASA Survey

The survey question listed on the right hand side of the home page is an anonymous survey. We have evidence to suspect that a few individuals are voting many times using different machines to skew the result. Therefore, this is a non-anonymous survey that accompanies the anonymous survey. The question is the same.

The tallying for this non-anonymous survey will be done by hand.

Should AANA and ASA dissolve in 2004 and form a united organization in N. America?

- Yes
- No
- Maybe