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Geetanjali Hazarika did a wonderful job in organizing the event. More than 80 people from Houston, Austin, Dallas and Louisiana attended the daylong event. Rongali Bihu – 2004 - In Texas, USA
The day started with flag hoisting ceremony and the song 'Sri Moyee Asomir…' followed by Easter egg hunt by the children. Various sporting events were organized that included one-mile race, tug-of-war, egg-toss, musical chair, and three legged race - enjoyed by all, young and old. Host ladies prepared a perfect setting for Bihu with tables full of goodies like maah prosaad, sira doi gur jolpan, ghilapitha, narikolor laroo, tilor laroo, besanor barfi, sanar barfi, and a table full of standard snacks. A mouth watering delicious chicken barbeque lunch with special trimmings was served.

Also, during the Rongali bihu get together, by tradition, Texas community recognizes individual (s) who have made a difference in the community through their contribution in any which way they can. This year's recipients were Dil Deka for her contribution to the community and promoting Assamese literature and culture; and Indrany Datta-Barua for her cultural contribution to the Princeton University, which she attends, where she is the founder of an organization named "Kala" and a Juggling group. A posthumous recognition was done of Geeta Deka's contribution to the community. Benita Mahanta was recognized for completion of her undergraduate program at the University of Texas @ Austin.

Evening's program started with a perfect setting for Rongali Bihu when Bordoi Sila preceded the function, a perfect storm! Dil Deka opened the literary session of the evening and Rajen Barua gave a presentation on the topic of Bihu - its journey from the origin to the present and its significance. That was followed by dinner, which included patot diya maas, khorisa, and kharoli and to top it all masor tenga! The daylong event was wrapped up by the evening's cultural program – in which many talented people – young and old - participated. Houston community would like to extend their sincere thanks to all who came to attend – some at the last minute - to make it a great success!

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