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Time and the internal situation probably compel India even to hook up the same doctrine to heal the domestic sores. We admit the prowess and ability of Indian yellow propaganda machinery that is competent enough to fabricate precise ceaseless propaganda to attain in a certain desired political focal point but merely for the time being.

India understands now better than the past that the question of Indo-Assam conflict already spills over the international boundary and there are a little means to contain and to propagate it as a so-called internal chaos. Indeed, in the present moment, the number related to the killing of uniformed Indians or ULFA patriots in the way of ongoing conflict are not more accountable than the mess created by government of India itself regarding ULFA beyond the Indian territorial parameter.

The world community has come to know about the geo-political crisis developed from the sizable quasi-presence of ULFA freedom fighters inside the territories of the Indian neighbors from the propaganda of Indian machinery that necessarily lifts the Indo-Assam conflict to a cause of regional diplomatic instability. Monumental amount of trade imbalance, imposition of protectorate behavior, nose-diving in others internal affairs with the help of covert medium have made the neighboring diplomatic situation more irritable for occupation India since a long time.

India has started a series of propaganda against the neighboring countries stitching ULFA as a trademark of all diplomatic concern , we have already noticed in the different Indian medias. India’s failure to get enlisted the revolutionary parties of seven sister region as terrorist organizations by the world community has made India extreme to obtain help particularly against ULFA from the geographically small neighbors. The series of the present propaganda are intended to make the ground situation fertile in favor of any action against ULFA keeping the guns on the shoulders of the peaceful neighbors.

People of our surroundings are aware of India very well. In fact, some have already termed India as a basic threat of their existing eco-political sovereignty. Indian hegemony of the last fifty years against its neighbors is nearly comparable to the occupation in our region. Henceforth, there is no distinction in between the color of anti-Indian sentiment in the occupied territory and geographically small neighboring countries. Deceptive propaganda can’t alone change the situation overnight.

From: FREEDOM, published by ULFA. (Volume 5 Issue 16, September 1, 2002.)