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Sivasagar possess distinct features of having many exquisite unique monuments of archaeological importance, vast man made tank ( Sagar), bird sanctuary etc. No other place in the North East has so much potential of tourism as Sivasagar has but this has not been projected, publicized and showcased effectively in a proper fashion. The proposed Rongpur Utsav expected to bridge this gap and bring Sivasagar on the tourist map of India. It is also expected that the celebration of festival will attract large nos. of tourists and generate more opportunities of employment in the district.

The cultural excellence of Ahom period is proposed to be showcased in the Utsav through exhibition of historical events, historical articles, weaponry of Ahom period, traditional sports, colourful procession, dance, drama & sound show, food festivals, musical nights etc.

For further details please contact Shri H. K. Gogoi, ADC, Sivasagar on 0-94351-55638.

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