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Among those artists who showcased their talents
include Ms. Gayatree Sarma of Guwahati, Mr. Rabin Goswami of Mangaldai, Mr. Sankumani Sarma of Guwahati, and Guruji Surendra Katthulla of Hyderabad who were supported by Mr. Bidip
Sinha of Guwahati, and Mr. Shivalik Ghosal of West Coast, USA in tabla. All the artists
currently live in USA. The evening was emceed by Ms. Ruby Bordoloi of Piscataway, New
Jersey. The money raised will be disbursed through various organizations in Assam to aid
the victims of the most recent flood. It is the sincere hope of the expatriate Assamese
community here that the State and Central Governments, various student and political
organizations, international organizations (Red Cross, Lions Club, etc.), NGOs, and
financial institutions will work together to arrive at solutions that relieve people of
Assam from this yearly misery and devastation.