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The report sent shivers down the administrative heads as adequate number of forces and weapons were not available to protect the Assamese or Indian citizens.

A lone Central Reserve Police Froce (CRPF) outpost was the only line of defence against the Bangladeshi attackers and hope to save the Assamese were dim.

The district administration sat motionless and in came the radiod message by a shaken voice with louder noise of gunfire in the background. The outnumbered CRPF post reported being attacked by Muslims with automatic weapons which they were countering with self loading rifles. The battle went on as bodies fell. This is the first time in Indias history that the country is being attacked from within its own borders. Even as the poorly armed CRPF chaps tried to hold their ground, reports came of another wave of Muslims attacking Assamese villages in Samuguri sector wiping out the entire Hindu population on way.

The carnage of Indians in their own land continued unabeted as the Congress Government in New Delhi remained a mute spectator, after all the Bangladeshi Muslims are Congres's permanent votebank.

The few men in uniform however tried their best to save as many Assamese or Indians as possible. As the Congress did not want their Bangladeshis / Muslims to be harmed in any way, the required number of defence forces were not sent to Assam which resulted in more than half the population of Hindus/Assamese/Indians dead in the Nowgaon district alone.

After days of continues patrol, the sepoys on ground were not left with any more energy and on top of that fresh troops were not sent as a strategy by the Congress to make sure that the Bangladeshis grab more land and kill as many Assamese.

As more reports came in of Bangladeshi Muslims killing entire Assames villagers, DIG Sharma climed his jeep only to be followed by a lone BSF havilder, who said "Give the word Sir, and we can go right up to Dhaka."

Pity he did not know that those in New Delhi infact wanted more Muslims from Dhaka to come in to kill Indians like him.

My dear readers this is a true incident from 1982.

Today Bangladeshis are the MAJORITY in Assam as the Congress party had always planned.

My dear fellow citizens, if the Congress can kill Assamese to come to power, the day is not far when other Hindu communities across the Nation would be systematically wiped out to make way for the Muslims or Bangladeshis.

Assam has already follen to Bangladeshis, thanks to the Congress, would you let the whoile country to be captured by the Bangladeshis too.